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An overview of my conditions – so we make sure we start of right.


My hourly rate is 650 DKK excl. VAT


Working hours is noted hourly. I bill for at least one hours work. If the task takes less than an hour, I’ll gather the jobs. Continuous work is gathered and billed the last day of the month. Larger projects is billed after hand-over of files.

The deadline for payment is 8 days.


Licenses for various graphic ressources (fonts, illustrations, images etc), is the clients responsibility. The client will be in charge of purchasing licenses and that these licenses is used in accordance with the law. Likewise it is responsibility of the client to make sure the material is not violating the copyright law.

I renounce any responsibility in accordance with print material. When a file for print is approved by the client, the responsibility is solely theirs if errors should occur.


I am available by phone every weekday between 09.00 am and 05.00 pm.

If I have to work beyond this time frame or in the weekends and holidays I will charge a mark up of 50% of my standard hourly rate.

If I am going on holiday this will be stated in my auto signature in my emails in a weeks notice.


The client or designer can terminate the project from today’s date, but the client still needs to pay for executed work. The client will pay the hours spent on the job.


Make sure to book me ahead of time, so I can accommodate any deadlines.

It is important that feedback is giving in accordance to our agreement, to make sure I can keep the deadline of the project. Is feedback not received in time I will not take responsibility for not meeting the agreed deadline.